TN Group Tour Collection
For Professional Travel Planners

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  • Terms And Policies

    Terms And Policies

    To order any Tour Tennessee Package

    Simply call us at 304.916.7276 or contact your Business Development Manager, and we’ll discuss the features and price of your tour, then provide a written quote.  Once you return a signed quote, we will begin tour production and provide any sales flyers you wish.  All quotes are subject to availability. No price or service is guaranteed until confirmed by our office.

    Terms of Purchase

    Unless stated to otherwise, a $250 group deposit is due within 30 days of the contract date.  A $200 per person deposit is due 90 days prior to departure.  Final payment and rooming list are due 45 days prior to departure.  If a motorcoach is included a rooming list is due at 65 days prior to departure.  Passenger Itineraries, Hotel Lists & Luggage Tags are available a few days after we receive your rooming list and final payment.  Your final Operations Booklet with detailed schedules, maps, notes, vouchers, etc. will arrive 10 – 14 days before departure.  Smiles and memories begin at time of service.

    All Tours Include

    Lodging and overnight accommodations are in first class hotels, motels, and resorts.  Admissions and sightseeing costs as featured in the itinerary. All taxes and gratuities on featured services, and costs for baggage handling (where available).

    Customized Complimentary Fares

    Tour Tennessee as a practice provides one free double with every 16 paid fares.  But we will provide any Complimentary Fare benefit you desire.  We recognize Group Planners often need a different scenario and we are willing to re-price your package and factor in air fare, port fees, gratuities and Single rooms. 

    Last Minute Booking Policy

    We know sometimes you will have a customer who wants to go at the last minute. When this happens, simply call and let us know, we’ll do our very best to get them on board.

    Motorcoach Tour Cancellation Policy

    We hope to minimize penalties on customer cancellations. Should one of your members cancel and you replace them from your waiting list there will never be a penalty from us.  Note, some suppliers, such as airlines, may charge a fee for name changes. 

    Peace of Mind

    Tour Tennessee offers all domestic travelers a simple cancellation penalty waiver on American Tours. Should you cancel a tour that does not involve airline tickets, a cruise, or select other events, with at least 24 business hours’ notice we will provide you a 100% refund. With less than 24 business hours’ notice you will receive a 75% refund. Any cancellation request must be emailed to:  [email protected].  

    Tour Tennessee Cancellation Policy

    • $200 per person 45 days prior to departure.
    • 50% per person starting at 30 days prior to departure.
    • 100% penalty starting 15 days prior to departure.

    Delivery of Documents

    Tour Tennessee Operations Books for motorcoach tours are not completed until 10-15 days before your departure, as stated on your Tour Confirmation. We can provide you with passenger itineraries once your Room List and Final Payment have been received.  If you require more information earlier than this, we can provide a tentative Operations Schedule – but it will not be finalized until the entire Operations Book is finalized. Passenger Itineraries contain hotel names and phone numbers, as well a daily sequential list of events. We do not provide individual passengers with times.


    As is common with other tour companies, U.S. Tours acts only in the capacity of an agent between tour members, travel service companies and other suppliers in all matters relating to arrangements for tour components. U.S. Tours, because of its status as an agent, and because it maintains no control over the personnel, equipment or operations of these travel service suppliers, assumes no responsibility for and cannot be held liable for any personal injury, property damages, or other loss, accident, delay, inconvenience or irregularity, from whatever cause, including the negligent act of third parties during a trip. We maintain no control over Government and/or Security Agencies and we are not liable for individual damages and costs due to denied boarding. In addition, we make no specific guarantee that the description of services and facilities provided by and of the various vendors involved in package travel are accurate. Further, U.S. Tours reserves the right to change or cancel tour itineraries, and any tour components or services, whenever U.S. Tours, in its sole discretion, deems such change to be necessary. All air fares, cruise fares, and rates for other transportation and tour services are based on fares in effect at the time of printing and are subject to carrier tariff changes, and supplier surcharges.